More RPG figures

I have been busily painting to an low standard (dropped to an 'extremely' low standard after seeing the Esteemed David Robothom's productions. (It reminds me a bit of one of my Arkham LCG groups, I would proudly bring out my plastic token set and magnetic character holder and the next person in the group would say, 'nice and here is my character holder carved out of a meteorite sourced from Mars and carved by Lovecraft's own ancestors using their blood for colouring'.

Though Chags has literally 'just' arrived (I will paint him pink.) My undisplayed so far (note I obviously still haven't decided how to do the bases are Shoju - who hit an unfortunate 'far too close Varnish' making him look like he had dived headfirst into a vat of tapioca.

I get distinct 'just one cornetto' vibes with him. He was the stand in for 'evil dude' in all my RPG campaigns so far.

Next up we have Kaito Kosori where I went for my Phoenixy colours than the card and think it came out okay.

My poor unfortunate RPG group have been faced with various combinations of Shoju (the great tapioca himself) and various types of what can only be described as Vikings (from my Blood Rage set which will do a better job of providing Oni). To try and reverse the damage this must be doing to their sense of historical correctness I also purchased some Bushido Rising Sun figures which are A) the same scale as the above and B) A bit more L5Ry than traditional. 

We have some generic Ronin

A Ronin Samurai who could be Scorpion.

Ronin/Ronin Ninjas/non-clan ninjas

An evil Sorceress (she has a snake! evil!!) who will now replace Shoju as a more realistic Sokori

And finally a evil maho priest who is, lets say, well on the path to not being slightly normal.

So there is my brief painting update.


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