Topaz Championship - Session 1 Game Prep
Not that I like 'team' memes, but I like team memes. Hmm that might need a meme
I thought it would be easier getting some of the game prep posted here as it would be quite difficult to read on discord on phone plus a waste of game time dealing with this in game.
This post is focused on organisation and expectations really.
Structure: So. The beginner campaign is designed to slowly drip feed the rules in a, hopefully, fun way. It looks like the intention is for two gaming sessions to complete but this will be heavily dependant on how the PUG operates so it is not inconceivable for it to hit three. One is highly unlikely so can be ignored.
One of these groups will take two sessions to finish. The other perhaps more.
Naming: Could everyone adjust their nicknames on Discord to show their character name first and then their actual in brackets (if still wanted) - See Sugi and Hiei as examples already done that way. This will only impact this server and will stop a lot of 'who just rolled that, hold on bobsmith is the lion?, oh no Unicorn' as everyone will be able to see who has rolled what without cross referencing. '
Actions: Since no one has a clue what anyone sounds like could everyone try not to say things like
'I am going to do'
and instead attempt to use
'Ren is going to'
Again it will make it easier to understand who is doing what and avoid misunderstandings. I will use GM privilege to NOT do this although I will try and preface that structure when NPCs are operating..
Group Dynamics: This is a PUG and no-one knows anyone which naturally means that people might not like the campaign/game/gm/other players. So don't feel as if you are being rude if you decide to drop. To be frank there are plenty of people who can replace so if you don't enjoy what is being done then feel free to move on with no hard feelings. Though I don't expect an aggressive/bad mannered player if there is someone that disrupts negatively the group experience then you may be removed. Hopefully not but these are considerations that need to be made moving forward for the best overall experience..
That should do it and I look forward to hearing you all on Tuesday 😊
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